Friday, August 15, 2008

working for a living

We started the day with the intention of going to OMSI, but once we saw that our next door neighbors were having a big yard sale, the plan quickly changed. Both Chris and Nate love yard sales, so they headed over to do some browsing. They have also dreamed of having a lemonade stand, and today seemed like the perfect day to sell cold drinks. However, sticky lemonade didn't sound like much fun to me, so we agreed that bottled water at .50 cents would be perfect. And it was.
We quickly set up shop by taking out the table, making signs, and putting some warm water bottles on ice in the cooler. We found the only shady spot in the yard, and we were in business! Our first customers. They learned how many quarters it took rather quickly.
Two bottles sold, so two boys dig into the icy cooler. We had to re-stock several times because they were selling like crazy! Their earnings for today were around the $13.00! (part of which were the generous tips that they received from some very nice people!)
Our neighbor Rhett and his mom Autumn from across the street came over to hang out and try to sell some toys, too. It was fun having lots of help! Rhett sang one great tune as he strummed his guitar. Nate was a real salesman with his pitch that he gave to all of the garage sale customers.."get some refreshing and ice cold water here.....only .50 cents!"(yelled with the same intonation as a man selling peanuts at the circus) Chris managed the money. Both boys decided to spend a bit of their earnings at the garage sale. Nate bought a pewter baseball glove/ball frame for $1.00, and Chris bought two paddles and racquetballs for a total of $1.50. They can't wait to start it all again tomorrow.
All good businesses know the value of giving back to their community, so we did a little bit of charity work in the late afternoon as we delivered some very cold waters to our neighbor Chris who is doing a whole house construction remodel...he was most appreciative for a cold drink in these scorching temperatures!

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