Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our new president

"Mama, are you crying happy tears like you did on the first day of preschool?" Nate asked me as the inauguration of our 44th president got underway this morning. "Yes, I am" I told him with a few tears falling down my cheeks, and a smile on my face.
Who could watch the events of today and not feel at least a lump in the throat and a great sense of hope for this country?
I spent the majority of the day watching CNN and the coverage of this historical event. I kept the boys home from school today because I was worried about missing the swearing in, and I wanted to watch it with them. I'm glad we spent the morning together. They loved to watch the marching bands, and the soldiers saluting.
This picture was taken as Obama was being sworn into office...hand up and promising to be the best president he can be. Change is coming, America!

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