Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Deep thoughts at the Costco food court

Not the best picture--it was taken on my cell phone. But I just couldn't resist capturing Nate eating his big hot dog at Costco today. And yes, both Chris and Nate can actually eat the whole thing, in addition to 2 containers of sauerkraut and a drink. It's their special treat when we go there right after preschool.
Nate was cracking me up today as he sat in the obnoxious food court eating his dog. He was full of questions and observations. He wanted to know:
1. Why do 'they' say that it's a small world, when the world really isn't very small? He said that he heard about it in a song, and someone else said it to him too.
2. Since lemons are yellow, why is the lemonade drink at costco more of a silver color???
3. Why are there so many old people at Costco? (which he was right...average age was about 68, poofy hair, glasses, with a husband wearing a trucking baseball cap) I told him that they were getting a smokin' deal for lunch. ($1.50 for a big dog and a drink) These 'old' people always smile at the boys and make a comment about their eating sauerkraut. Kids don't eat sauerkraut.

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