Thursday, November 8, 2007

a lost art

After Nate's nap, we were sitting on the couch reading a little trivia book filled with questions for 2-3 year olds. He was having a great time, and could answer every question without missing a beat.
Then we turned to the page where it showed a monkey ironing a shirt.
"What is that called?" I asked him. Total silence and lots of thinking on his part. After a pause, "A mixer?" he said since he couldn't think of anything else.
"Have you ever seen one of those?" I asked him.
Poor kids of today....(at least the kids in this house!) They'll never learn the art of ironing a shirt. I didn't know if I should feel guilty for never exposing him to the appliance, or feel grateful that Dan's shirts can be cleaned and pressed for .95 each at the Shirt Shop. Everything else can just be fluffed in the dryer. :)

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