Monday, December 15, 2008

December 14th was a great day!

What a great day! Portland got hit was a snowstorm and some very COLD weather, so it was a day of being lazy and cozy. Our neighbors across the street, the Lapours, invited us over to decorate some homemade gingerbread houses, as well as drink some red wine and homemade hot chocolate. mmmmmm It was a great way to spend a cold evening!
The houses had some issues with staying together, and Nate's had a collapse. We will try to assemble it today, but he was still able to do some great decorating.
Chris licks some frosting. Autumn made the gingerbread and frosting from scratch. She is way more domestic than I!

All bundled up and playing outside in the snow. I couldn't believe that their hands were actually warm when they came back inside! The weather forecast for the week shows nothing above 30 degrees....brrrr!

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