Friday, April 25, 2008

the way it should be

Today when I was heading to pick up the boys from preschool I was heading down 33rd. I was just past New Seasons where the street has a long stretch, down past Wilshire Park. Far ahead I could see lights flashing and heading in my direction. There was a line of traffic in front of me (which there always is on 33rd) and I was wondering to myself at what point will all of these people pull over and let the ambulance go by.
What I saw next was truly awesome. EVERY SINGLE CAR that was heading both North and South pulled over to the sides of the street, literally at the same time like we were in some sort of synchronized dance. It was a perfect parting of the street, which opened an amazingly clear path for that ambulance to get where it needed to go. (you never might be heading to someone that you love!)
Something about that little spectacle really impressed me. I guess it's because there's always some yahoo on the road who thinks that they don't need to pull over, or they're not even paying attention. Today, on that street, everyone was spot-on with their driving and it made my day!

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