Sunday, August 5, 2007

Chris the writer

I just can't help but share this picture. Chris and Nate are really into doing 'school' things, since they are starting preschool this Fall. They love everything to do with drawing, coloring, learning and carrying backpacks.

Chris was writing a thank you note to Auntie Leann, and he wanted to write his name. As you can see at the top of the paper, he wrote his C, H, I and an S (gotta love that S!)Of course he wrote it right to left but that's perfectly o.k. for a 3 year old's first attempt at his name. Being the first grade teacher at heart, I of course, just love this! He also drew a couple of L's for Leann, a Z for Zoey, and an M for Mama.

I love my boys. They amaze me every day! xoxoxxo

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