A rather silly blog post, but I just wanted to document that at this very moment in time, I am the proud new owner of the i-phone 4...the top phone out there in terms of technology. This phone can do everything~internet, skype, face chat, text, phone, video, to name a few.
With that being said, I know that it will be as outdated as a rotary phone in just a matter of years. I just want to be able to look back at this photo and post when I'm an old lady and laugh at this silly, dinosaur of a phone. And yes, I do remember using a rotary phone as a child. The one that was connected to the wall with a stretchy cord that would allow me 6 feet of movement. Sometimes, it's hard to believe the advances in technology, as some of the things that we do all the time now were only space-age ideas of the future on the Jetsons when I was a kid.