Happy Thanksgiving. We had a very nice holiday celebration over at Uncle Greg & Aunt Susan's house, even though it was much different than in years past. I guess that's the nature of life...ever changing and no guarantees that what was will be.

Aunt Susan had to work today, but she did an incredible job of preparing an amazing feast for all of us, and Greg facilitated/hosted the event. Sister Susan was in Seattle, and the cousins were with Dave. Grandma and Grandpa were unable to travel to be with us due to Stu finding out yesterday about some serious heart issues that will be addressed next week with major surgery.

Despite all of those things, the celebration went on, and I'm so glad that it did. Greg presented the perfectly roasted turkey.

Aunt Susan and Uncle Greg created a very fun game to keep the kiddos entertained. They created a scavenger hunt that sent them throughout the house looking for what was on their cards. Above is Nate looking for the 'cat treat' jar. Do you see it anywhere in the distance? Very clever entertainment for Catie, Chris and Nate.
I have so much to be thankful for today (and every day). A wonderful extended family that is made up of some amazing people, two happy, healthy boys that bring a smile to my face every single day, a husband who provides for all of us and is an awesome father and husband, fun friends, good health, and a house to keep us warm. What else could a gal ask for, really?